Zeri builds by machine learning. Get the optimal builds for Zeri, view Zeri guides written by other players or create your own guides.
This guide will outline how to effectively use Zeri as an ADC, his strengths and weaknesses, recommended skill sets, items, summoner spells and runes. If you're stuck, we've got a complete guide to Zerry with his best builds, runes, and some tips and tricks. Zeri finally caught up with Summoner's Rift in League of Legends patch 12.2 and is lighting up the game. He has electric beams deep in his coat that he can turn on to deal a lot of damage.
If you want to experience Zaun's Sparks for yourself, here's our complete guide with the best builds, runes, and some tips and tricks to get you started. Zeri, Spark of Zaun, is the newest released hero for League of Legends. I hope you got some information from the latest League of Legends ADC - Zeri's Hero Development Guide.
Below you can find the best items and runes to craft Zeri, according to LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat + League of Legends games. If you're already familiar with how to play Zeri, this is a great resource for quickly getting a good selection of runes for patch 12.2. If you're looking for the best rune build for Zeri, we've got you covered.

Zeri is a very versatile champion and can use a lot of rune builds, so it's up to you if you prefer higher DPS or higher explosive potential. The Press the Attack build prioritizes hit objects, though it pales in comparison to ability power when it comes to dealing explosion damage. So choose the Kraken Slayer - or if you're not sure, you can also craft the Immortal Shield Bow - and take out your enemies in style.
Since most tank values are pretty close, it's usually best to skip LDR in a build, but if players are hitting tanks almost exclusively, it's probably best to skip Infinity Edge. This means that in order to optimize the Zeris build, you must be close to the limit, since the bonus AD conversion is not great. Players can also use full AP or AD, but this build allows her to juggle her kit a lot better.
Lastly, regarding his play style in League of Legends, Zeri is very movement dependent. This is because the way her Q skill works allows her to be used multiple times. This will help players use both the active and passive aspects of his Q.
Basically, players build it like a standard sniper with a few tweaks. There are 17 different critical items in League of Legends, but a couple are indispensable for Zeri.
Zeri is the city's hot new champion right now, but her spell-based machine and on-hit spammable Q ability have made her an interesting puzzle game for players looking to find her best item builds. Zeri has a lot of situational objects he can build, like Jonias' hourglass if he's half-playing against Zed, and with the number of builds and available items at his disposal, he'll definitely make an impact no matter your choice. Zeri is also extremely squishy, so we think some defensive runes like Boneplating would be useful enough to keep her healthy in the lane. In addition, Zeri pairs well with spellcasters, so Shield Charge is also a great rune to pick on the secondary path.
We think the full AD combo is the best we've seen on the PBE servers for her. With generic points like Galeforce and Immortal Shieldbow working equally well on her, you can create a pretty traditional sniper build. While we talked about his critical build, Zeri's successful build is strong too. Conqueror is best for a Zeris crit build, but if you want to try Zeri Lethal Tempo on hit then that's fine.
It's unlikely to be as strong as a typical Zeris build, but it can work if you want to get huge Spellblade procs like Ezreal does with Sunderer. Zeri is a slightly off-the-wall champion and is currently available for PBE testing. In Summoners Rift, Zeri is bright, cheerful, and always ready to fight. Designed to be a League of Legends anti-shield ADC, Zeris combines mobility and burst potential to make it a must-have for most champions.

With Zeri, one of the biggest breakthroughs has to do with his ultimate and how he can build up infinite movement speed and move around the map in a fraction of a second. This is also great for Zeri as he stops at 1.50, but any extra attack speed will turn into attack damage. If players don't have the option to complete the build but are ready for Zeris' critical build, here are his damage numbers when jumping onto an object from his core.
His final item is somewhat situational, but in general players will want Lord Dominix Respectfully to complete a critical Zeris build. However, the next build seems to work on PBE and pairs pretty well with Q's ability.
With more construction paths yet to be explored, expect Zeri to make an exciting discovery in the Rift. Here's everything you need to know about LoLs Zeri, including the recommended build and game rules. Unless you're into an ability power build, Zeri is definitely not a natural poke champion and you're best off getting up close and personal.
The video showed a total of four mannequins positioned near the fountain, and how Zeri can continue to build up Overcharge stacks and gain movement speed with each stack.
I hope you can glean something from this champion development guide for the latest League of Legends ADC - Zeri. Zeri, the Spark of Zaun, is the latest champion released in League of Legends. However, we recommend playing Nasus as a magic power since Zeri is very mobile. Rammus can be played against all snipers. If you are dealing with highly mobile shooters, it may make sense to choose a more mobile killer. The easiest way to play against Zeri is to have her use her dash and start the fight while her dash is on cooldown. She's an exciting new down alley champion playing in a way none of you have seen before.
According to Clutchpoints, his Ultrashock Laser W ability allows Zeri to fire an electrical pulse that can slow and damage the first enemy hit. When he moves or casts this ability, Zeri builds up energy in his spark pack, and once it is fully charged, the next basic attack will deal additional damage as well as slow those hit. A new champion, Zeri, has just been announced and players can try her out on the PBE server. Zeri can be built as a hybrid or pure AP and AD in League of Legends.
She is an energetic and fast-paced champion, similar to the new VALORANT Agent Neon. Zeri is also extremely squishy, so we think some defensive runes like Boneplating would be useful enough to keep her healthy in the lane. Zeri is a slightly off-the-wall champion and is currently available for PBE testing. But the real test of skill will be how quickly players can recharge or "reset" his Q, which is why Zeris cars are often "upgraded" so to speak.

This will help players use both the active and passive aspects of his Q. It also interacts with Zeris E, his sprint, so the developers really designed the champion's kit with kites or combinations of attacks and moves in mind. This is also great for Zeri as he stops at 1.50, but any extra attack speed will turn into attack damage. This way he will be able to hit harder in the late game even if you slow down his attack speed.
He will also be a great kiter so this adds a whole new dimension to how team fights go in the mid to late game. Lastly, regarding his play style in League of Legends, Zeri is very movement dependent. League of Legends introduces an exciting new champion for Season 12.
Unsurprisingly, Zeri's basic attacks are not as simple a right-click as other champions. When fully charged, his next auto-attack will slow and deal additional damage. Riot designers actually envision Zeri as an extremely agile champion, which likely reflects her biggest advantage as a sharpshooter.
Prior to the release of Zeri in Patch 12.2, we put together a quick guide to new champion abilities and possible play strategies to develop your character's prowess and use Zeri to its full potential.
However, the next build seems to work on PBE and seems to pair quite well with her Q ability. Players can also use full AP or AD, but this build allows her to juggle her kit a lot better. The Zeris W can be useful for the same purpose, like chasing kills or dodging enemies, so it really complements his mobility-based kit. When overloaded, Zeri gains increased damage, attack speed, and movement speed.
Based on the aforementioned trailer, she can use said abilities to engage herself in combat or stalk opposing champions to kill them, as well as provide fire support to her teammates.