Senna builds by machine learning. Get the optimal builds for Senna, view Senna guides written by other players or create your own guides.
As a bonus, Senna has also increased the attack range in the middle to the end of the game, so it's easy to become safe once it's activated. Senna is a supporter who tries to earn as much as possible with FOLs to help the trade, which is not so bad since she has her ADC and FOL.
Brutal Rune can be used to compensate for Senna's low slowness and damage in the early game. Since Senna is a champion of scaling, it is advisable to take Brutal Rune to reinforce their early game, which is not a bad idea.
Protector of the Vows, Senna adds armor, skill, haste and health benefits as a supporter. In combination with the other parts of this series, Senna relies on an excellent ratio between attack and speed. Senna works best with 9 Adaptives and his armor Bonusrune.

In addition to healing and shielding, Senna can cause additional damage in team battles. It does not disguise the fact that it heals its allies or does far-reaching damage. Senna's role as ADC as support is good because it means that she is not as strong in the first game, but once you have a few souls and objects she can do a lot of damage.
The best Senna runes are the primary and the secondary. They support witchcraft primarily and precision secondary. Senna can be used as an ADC or as a supporting character, supporting Dragon Lane or Wild Rift to capitalize on their abilities.
While Senna has two different roles that she can fill, she has a few rune setups that are present in both. This build has many similar aspects to different builds.
The powerful 9.22 LoL Senna builds have the highest win rate among Senna players in the current patch, and they will be perfect if you want to win the game. We will be concentrating on building Senna's cars, like the Frostfire Gauntlet. Since season 11, Senna has been built with Runes to help you deal with physical damage so that you can focus more on building items that give you enough mana, CDR and AP to use your abilities without being stopped.
Senna has an incredible amount of damage and can decimate opponents in the top lane. To help you heal Senna, I recommend Revitalize, one of the best runes.
Flash Ignite is also a good choice for supporting Senna as she is a very aggressive champion. Senna is a unique character because he can be played as a protector or as a prop. She is a base shooter and is well suited for playing in the Dragon Train.
With its Q and E, Senna not only offers a lot of safety on the track, it can also do a lot of damage. If Senna comes into the late game, she can transform into a highly damaged, wide-ranging ADC capable of carrying her team on her back. Senna is one of the most played and most useful props.

Senna can suck the mist out of enemy champions by hitting them with 4s, and cause 2% of their current health bonus as physical damage. Senna throws a black mist in the direction of the target, and the first enemy hit is damaged for a short time before the target dies at the root. Siphoning off fog from an enemy champion grants a stack of fog that causes current HP bonuses and damage depending on their level.
Senna fires bolts that pierce shadows and objects, damage enemies, and heal allies. It can also attack its souls to free them from being absorbed by the black mist. With darkness and light, Senna tries to end the supernatural black mist by transforming it with her relic into his explosion, a weapon that can redeem lost souls.
The Senna buildings that we present here are constructed in such a way that they provide you with enough defensive power in the early game to cause a lot of damage. The game's core strategies include items, masterpieces, charmers, spells, and runes.
As a supporting champion, Senna is a saviour who can play top or middle. Senna's roaming benefits her because she can pick up souls in other lanes to increase her range and damage. In the late game, ADC and support shine.
Skill plays an important role in winning with Senna, so it's important to pick the best Senna LoL components while ranking in the current meta as the release date approaches late season. The lane that Senna builds depends on the lane stop and the lane. In some cases, the ideal Senna structure is given to capture all levels of meta-gameplay.
If you haven't done so already be sure to follow the League of Legends 9.2.2 Patch Senna Build Guide, which covers all the items, runses, summoners, spells and abilities needed to top the ADC / Support role with Senna Builds. Where to find the best objects and runes to build Senna is determined by Leaguespy's calculations from thousands of games in the League of Legends.
If you are looking for the best runes for Senna, we have the right answer for you. In our Senna Guide, you will learn what items you build, which runes you select, and what skills you need to select to use Senna's abilities. In another of our building instructions, Senna: Redeemer, we have listed the best runes, items, and strategies for the champion.