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We calculated the item build with the highest win rate, the best runes for Shai, mythical items, skill order, whole item build, starter items, summoner spells, order items, talismans and tokens. Below you can find the best items and runes to build Xayah, according to LoLSolved's calculations from thousands of Plat + League of Legends games. With our Xayah guide, you will learn what items to build, choose runes, skill order, and how to properly use Xayah skills. Using runes of precision and full damage item builds, coupled with Marksman's playstyle, this is a moderately difficult champion to play League of Legends.
This item gives Shaie a lot of attack damage and gives her critical hits for 30% more damage, which is what the whole assembly is based on.
In this guide, we'll go over the best runes, spells, and builds, including tips and tricks to help pave the way for Shaya's victory in League of Legends Wild Rift. Finally, for each build simulation, I will consider the case where Xayah automatically attacks without using W, and the case where she starts the sequence with W (thus providing a 4 second attack speed boost).

The Dorans Blade, which may seem like a standard starting item for ADC champions, will be Shai's first choice, whichever way you choose to create a champion. The Phantom Dancer build is a great option for the late game with Shaya, as it will give her a further increase in attack speed. Learn in depth about Xayah's abilities, the best build items, which skills to level up first, and more. If you are looking for the best runic build for Shai, we have you covered.
Like all champions, Shaya will use different items to adapt to the situations she might find herself in during the game. In this Xayah guide, we'll see what his skills are in LoL Wild Rift and when you can use which skill to get the most out of him. The percentage shown is the counter-rating of the enemy champions against Shai. In addition, Phantom Dancer offers 25% more critical strike chance and a shield that activates when Xayah detects that she is low on health, able to absorb some incoming damage from enemies.
Once you reach the end of the game and get the main items, Shaya can become powerful here and be able to cause a lot of damage. For the best first item, both Shai and the defender must reach level 6. This is a particularly important rune for heroes like Shai who are about to cause poke damage during the laning phase. For the best 3-piece path, both Shai and the defender should be level 12.
Xayah Build 11.22 is considered a Tier B pick for his bottom lane role in Season 11. Unique Passive Items not only reduce cooldowns by 20%, but every Champion Basic Attack now resets as well. 1.5% of his mana meter. If Rakan is nearby, he will also gain a lethal plumage effect, and will also gain additional movement speed when Shai hits an enemy champion. Continuing the theme of Xayah's critical damage increase, one thing cannot be overlooked - the Infinity Edge.
This item will greatly help the team, because high-damage ADCs like Xia will be the first target and be destroyed. Shaya is a dragon hero who focuses on attacking damage to kill enemy teams. Hunter-Vampirism The only problem with this version is that there are not many physical vampires that can help Shaya survive. Xayah is not the best early game player, but he did a great job online.
The rune will help Shay to gain superimposed AD or AP, causing additional damage. After using this skill, Shai's next 3 attacks will hit all enemies in her path and drop all the feathers she can remember. Shaya can store up to 5 feathers at a time. Shaya's lethality has increased in the past few weeks, she is very frustrated, and Vis's recent retelling has added a lot of consistency to her spells, pushing her to the edge of balance. Due to the destruction of the new lethality building, Kasumi finally broke out in the League of Legends metadata for the first time in the 11th season.
The trick with Shaya is to place and position the feathers so that when she leaves the fight, Shaya can deal damage with her third ability. Additionally, if Deadly Feather hits an enemy champion, Shaya increases her movement speed by 40% for 2 seconds. Build Xayah safely with WildRiftFires development guides. With a reduced cooldown, Ultimate and Passive Feathers can be placed in large numbers, allowing Shaya to deal more damage with her third ability.

Xayah usually starts in the Duo / Drag lane, but players can also use it in the Baron lane to hit enemies and restrict them to the top lane. The best Shai runes at the location are the main path and as a secondary path. For Shai, it’s quite obvious that the third ability is his trump card in dealing damage and winning battles. Her performance also dropped from a paltry 3.32% to 11.31%, making her the best in her role.
Note that her W or (2) ability is called Mortal Feather and grants her a 4 second attack speed boost. When Shaya casts an ability, she stores feathers that transmit her next basic attacks through enemies. Xayah uses Conqueror and Champion with both Champion stacks. Featherstorm makes Shaya extremely effective against assassins and divers because it makes her inaccessible for a short time, and then creates five feathers that can immediately be used on her third, Bladecaller, for additional damage and immobilization.
As the match progresses, it is best to maximize, and ultimately it is a very strong ability to create advantage and dominate your opponents. This simulation will be for a level 12 Xayah with BoRK> IE> RFC, compared to a level 12 KaiSa. The armored champion will be Garen, as his physical damage stats are essentially the highest in the game.
Keep in mind that off-target status does not make her invulnerable, she can still die after having cast Ignite on her, or if she has caused enough damage, she can die from the Zeds death marker. Use her speed, cunning and sharp feather blade to knock down anyone on your way.
If you want to create and play your own games, keep in mind that this champion is quite difficult to play. The most suitable Keystone rune is the summoner spells that work best for it. Don't let the enemy play aggressively and torment you with automatic attacks.