ProvenSleepy's Zoe Support Guide 11.13
ProvenSleepy's Zoe Support Guide 11.13


Skill Order:




As Zoe support you have two different options, if you have a match where you can poke a harass your opponents you wanna go Spellthief's Edge, or you can go with the Relic shield so you can take minions with W on them. My Tip is to try both out and see what you like the most.
[Summon Aery > Nimbus cloak > Transcendence > Scorch]+[Biscuit delivery > Cosmic insight]+[Ability haste > Adaptive force > Armor/Magic resist (depends on the enemy team)] (My personal favorite) Or
[Dark harvest >Tast of blood > Eyeball collection > Relentless hunter]+[Biscuit delivery > Cosmic insight]+[Ability haste > Adaptive force > Armor/Magic resist (depends on the enemy team)]
Items As for your items, you wanna get as much ability haste as possible to make more people go to sleep. The build I would recommend for you guys are
Everfrost > Ionian boots of Lucidity > Cosmic drive > watchful wardstone > Morellonomicon > void staff
The reasoning for the build
You want to use EVERFROST to combo with for example (R>Everfrost>E>Q1>Q2) With this you are guaranteed to HIT! your most deadly spell your E. IONIAN BOOTS OF LUCIDITY is just for the extra ability haste to use your E more, The same thing goes for COSMIC DRIVE plus it gives AP and MS. Many of you maybe haven't heard about WATCHFUL WARDSTONE (10 Ability haste and 150 HP). The item only cost 1100 gold, but the reason you wanna buy this item is for its upgrade. You can upgrade the item by completing your support item and reach level 13. The upgraded item VIGILANT WARDSTONE gives the item a new passive (Blessing of Ixtal). The new passive will give you a 12% increase to Ability haste, Ability power, bonus attack damage, and bonus health. So if you don't buy Wardstone you will end up with (8+20+20+40) = 88 ability haste from your first 3 items. If you add the extra 12% you get from Blessing of Ixtal (88*1,12) = 98,56 Ability haste or 49% CDR. The last two items can be swaped for better purchase in other matchups.
Skill order. You wanna start Q>E>W>E(max)>Q(max)>W(max) And of course take R when you can.
Summoner spells Flash + ignite or exhaust is the best option you have, in my opinion, It's possible to take heal if your ADC wants to take any other Summoner spells (Heal also works well with Summon Aery).
The way you wanna play as Support Zoe is staying far in the back and use your E's so you and your team can get an easy pick. If you land an E on an enemy do not be afraid to make one of Zoe's typical combo's like E>Q1>R>Q2 or E>R(backward)>Q1>Q2 or R>Everfrost>E>Q1>Q2.
Pros and cons
- Strong poke and hard CC
- Difficult to counter
- Not many people know how to play against her since she's often not seen in the support role.
- Very vulnerable pre-level 6
- You need to hit your skill shots
- Hard to master
If you like my way of thinking and playing Zoe take a look at my twitch: