Kayle builds by machine learning. Get the optimal builds for Kayle, view Kayle guides written by other players or create your own guides.
Guinsoo's Rageblade does not work well with Kayle because it has no synergy with Wave or your sublime passive, making it a waste of an item slot.
Kayle works well against hyper-stretching as she can be kept alive by her body. Kayle likes to keep herself alive by providing her with buffs and peeling herself. Mass control and focus struggles can be thwarted by hyper carriers like Kayle.
If you are in the early game against Kayle, do your best to punish her early levels. The best Kayle will embrace her tower and be able to fight you at level 11. Start e-poking Kayle when you have reached level 1 and your dash is automatic at level 6. Kayle does not play the game that way, you want to crash the 3rd wave of her tower, kill her as fast as possible and freeze her tower to put her in an gg / wp.

At level 6, Kayle can be blinded when she is low and she takes revenge with her punch. Upgrade to 6 and stack their auto attacks and their shot-AoE attacks for the entire duration of the shot until the level comes back up. That is, if the game gets more and more Kayle counters, you will do it more damage.
Kayle's attacks are strengthened from the sky, while she improves by issuing skill points. For example, her auto attacks are broadly increased to level 11 and level 16, which means she cannot reach 6 stacks of AoE stacks. Kayle gains attack speed, movement speed, attack range and fire waves of attack from her attacks with her blazing wings of light.
The next is Starfire Spellblade E which helps Kayle increase damage and improve range and attack speed. With the revamp of LoL 95, Kayle is now a top mid-range ADC build, and the skill sequence is as simple as typing in a point for each spell.
This section explains the skills Kayle can build with S11. Champion.gg Kayle Top Stats Guide Build Rune 8 Hour LoL Statistics Guide Build Rune Mastery skills to counter the match against Kayle Top when played above. Find Kayle Build Counter Instruction Championship Runic Order Combo Pro Build stats for top jungle mid adc support s10.
2 hours ago League of Legends Kayle Bot Build Rune Mastery Guide Skills order, Counters, Matchups, Duos, Stats, Wards and more. Pro created guides statistics, rune mastery probuilds.net 9 hours ago probuilds shows details about Kayle. Kayle is a powerful central item that can be built at full damage and attack speed by professional players to increase the abilities of the summoners and gain the latest abilities and combination abilities in the League of Legends.
Below are the best items and runic structures for Kayle as determined by calculations from thousands of Plats in League of Legends games. Kayle build guide strider lol s11 best kayle guides you need s1.1 The best kayle guide you need was last updated on March 5, 2021. Kayle Urf has a win rate of 61.49% since Patch 1.19 in platinum and ranks second in the LoL Tier List on 157 Grade S levels. Below is a detailed breakdown of Kayle URF builds and Runic Counters.
Welcome to Statistical Kayle Build Guide Top Lane 1.12.0 We have calculated the highest odds for each item built with the best kalele runes, mythical items and skills, full item building, launch item, summon spell, item build order and jeweler. We calculated the high odds of winning each item built for the best rune for Kayle, Aram, Mythical Items / Skills, fuller Items (Starting Item, Summoning Spells), and Item Building Orders, Jewelry, and Tokens.

The 1.12 (b) patch on January 26 has unnerved five champions, opening the door for Kayle Builds to succeed. The first place Kayle built was Sureom, who ran Mystic and selected unusual items such as Giant Slayer, Guardian Angel, Duelist and Spatula on Kayle.
In the early game, I like to strike aura items like Zeke Locket and Chalice early in the game and use AP items on Kayle. As Kayle progresses, the most popular Kayle items are Nashor Tooth and Riftmaker. However, I prefer to start with things like Rod, because Kayle can be used on several Kayles at the same time and is strong in winning and streaking.
As with many situational objects, Kayle is a hybrid master, meaning she gets the best out of both worlds by grabbing situational objects from AD and AP. For them, the things I want are a mix of attacking speed, power, damage and defence.
Kayle at level 11 grants her 525 attack range, which is identical to hers, and her W grants 40ms late scaling AP, so you should be able to run over her when you jump, as it slows her down. Bombabo says Kayle won't do any damage to beat you, but swapping level 11 for her distance car at level 6 will allow her to run faster. You can finish your rhino teeth by reaching level 11, which makes them a powerful force, and you become a ranged champion.
With precision runes and unique items, this construction combines the special playing style of Kayles Builds from 1.19 and earlier with a hard-to-play Champion in League of Legends.
If you are looking for a champion who can decimate 1v5 fighting skills in the late game, Kayle is the champion for you. The percentage indicates the opposing counter score against Kayle in the top game. The best position of the Kayle rune is the primary path and A is the secondary path.