Katarina builds by machine learning. Get the optimal builds for Katarina, view Katarina guides written by other players or create your own guides.
Katarina is a team-fighting, oriented assassin who excels with her unlimited ability to clean up the battlefield. Katarina is one of the most successful solo artists in LoL and has some of the most powerful builds to carry a game 1v9.
When Katarina picks up a dagger, she can use it to attack nearby enemies and do magical damage. With the ability Swift Sparrow (2) she wins ATK and SPD (4) when she enters combat. It can smash an enemy near you with its Pickup Dagger and deal 72% magic damage (72% of 100% bonus attack damage) and 58% ability.
This makes it easier for her to receive follow-up attacks that allow her to do more damage, making her more versatile and easier to use. This allows Conquerors of Katarina to pile up when you hit an enemy with 5 abilities and attack automatically, so you can do even more damage. If you fight a lot and are able to heal a bit of health, takedowns are nice to do more damage to low-health champions, and working with Katarina's ultimate, the Death Lotus, also does more damage.

The Blessing of Resistance makes this an appropriate option to enhance Katarina's magic mass, as well as her ability to activate Ploy's skill. The Rabadon headgear is also valuable for champions with scaling abilities, and the power of the blank bar gives Katarina a lot of damage against enemies built against her.
Hextech gunblade, Rabadon deathcap, Infinity Orb, Void Staff, Liandry Torment, Mercury Treads, Stasis builds Katarina powers and powerful items that help damage her abilities and liabilities. In addition to magical penetration, Hextech Rocketbelt provides fantastic statistics for Katarina's ability to boost health and haste. HexTech Gunblade gives her useful statistics for attack damage, abilities, spells and physical vampires.
It doesn't matter if you have 1 million Master Points for Katarina, if you start playing her, if you use Post-Master, she will win more games. In our Katatarina Guide you will learn how to obtain items, build runes, and select skills to use Katarina's abilities. In this guide we will see all of their skills in LoL and Wild Rift, how they work, how to use them and how to trick them.
Katarina takes away your + 1 ability so you can use it to beat your opponent in the early game. Use the high firepower of their DEFs to take precedence over enemy units and get them back before they can engage them.
Conqueror Katarina likes to be on the opposing team and uses her spells and car attacks frequently. She can attack a moving target if you throw the bounce dagger and take control of it if you don't want to move with the enemy. She will attack a target with Shunpo and can also attack enemies.
Katarina can also use special effects to refine her high-resolution statistics. Pay attention to the positioning of their DEFs in relation to physical units and take them out. If she can keep herself from taking blows from physical units, Katarina can be a powerhouse on any map you put her on.
The percentage that is shown is the opposing counterscore of Katarina. The activation radius is smaller than the damage radius, and the damage begins when she does not have her Dagger.

Below are the best items and ranes for Katarina determined by calculations from thousands of Plat and League of Legends games. Read the story to learn the best IVs, individual scores of the best builds, inherited skills, weapon refinements, stats and LV / 40 or more for heroes like Katara, Wayward, One Game Fire Emblem Heroes and Feh. We have calculated the highest odds of winning item builds with the best runes for each of Katarina's mythical items and skills, in order of complete item build launches, summoners, item build orders, jewelry, and tokens.
The best Katarina buildings show a specific division in the meta. The best position of the Katarina rune is the primary path, anda is the secondary path.
This build-up is designed to make Katarina an effective two-phase fighter and team support. You can see all the rounds of Katatarina Builds in League of Legends here. Buy Ra for Katara for individual and team matches and to finish games.
There are many ways you can increase your DPS to Katarina by combining your abilities and summoning spells. In this section of the guide, you will see the most efficient rune setups and the best summoning spells for Katatarina in the Wild Ditch, depending on your encounter and enemy composition. Learn more about Katarina's skills in detail, the best item to build depending on difficulty, and more.
As the eldest daughter of the legendary General du Couteau, Katarina shows off her talent for quickly killing unsuspecting enemies. She does not hesitate to do her duty with whirlwind and serrated dagger.
As a C skill, Katarina can take her debuff game further by adding a third poloy to her C slot. Rage is a fantastic option for this set, because the boost it provides increases their damage and total mass and the ability to use Ploy's powers as much as possible.